
Update and Whatnot

Hey lovelies!

I just wanted to give a little update on my life and this blog. I've really been thinking about my blog lately and wanting to post!

I am not sure how much details I gave in my last post, but I have been having a crazy busy time these last few weeks with moving back to Alaska. Travel from one small town on the Oregon Coast to another small town in Alaska is a lot of work! The travel is unbelievably time consuming - a lot of layovers in bigger cities. But I finally made it! Next I have to face the issue of cleaning and unpacking. Although good news is, I will soon have a decent set-up for working on reviews (which means better photos, depending on my skills).

I haven't been posting this past week like I had hoped I would be able to because I have had no internet. Living in Alaska, the weather majorly impacts out lives. Just one of the perks. But due to the weather last week, I was stuck without internet. Which also was problematic for schoolwork. But I'm getting there!

Speaking of school, I will be done with my semester next week! A have a few more projects to turn in and then I will be free for a month and a half. One awesome thing about grad school: the extra long winter breaks! I am looking forward to this time so I can work on my blog. Since I started this blog I haven't had the chance to do as many reviews as I want. But I really want to devote myself to it over break and really get it up and running and hopefully settle into a groove I can keep up with!

As for plans for my blog, there might be a few slight changes in the future. The biggest difference is that posts will be more regular. I am also thinking about reintroducing a rating system, but I am still on the fence about that one. I would have to devise a rating system that works for me to feel comfortable using one for this blog. I need more depth than just numbers, you know? And I might try to be more present in other social media networks. I'm excited for it all! Are you? :)

As for more short-term plans, this next week I will try to get up one review and a Favorites Friday post. It is basically going to be my school finals week so I will be fairly busy, but I'm sure I can throw those in there as well! I will also be traveling this next week, because that never ends for me! I'm going to visit my brother and his family before Christmas time since they can't make it home. Yay time with the nephews! :)

As for other updates, I am still on a hardcore perfume kick. I have a TON of perfumes to review but I will try not to overwhelm this blog with them. Don't worry - I'll try to do a mix of everything! I also might start introducing reviews for wax tarts. Speaking of which, I should try a new scent in my new warmer tonight... So many things to review!

Anyway, I'll stop my ramblings now. Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!

<3 Alyssa

P.S. And just because I want to add a photo to this post, here's one from my last night in that small coastal town in Oregon. I am really going to miss this...


  1. I love the picture, water sunsets are the best.

    Maybe you're going to be posting about this later, but did you do any cyber monday/black friday shopping? This year I haven't yet but the day is not over ;) I got an email from Faerie Made today and am a little tempted by her Yule items. Have you tried anything from there?

    1. I was thinking about doing a post about my black friday/cyber monday haul! But it won't be for a couple weeks as I am traveling! I did get in on some of the deals though - mostly perfumes and some Mad City Soap body scrubs/lotions. And some jewelry! Probably spent a little too much... ha.

      I have never tried anything from Faerie Made before! I am checking out her shop now. Did you end up ordering anything?

  2. I held off on ordering this time, she's one of those etailers that has sales pretty frequently though. Safe travels!
