
UPDATE: New Blog Title!

I've been a bit neglectful of my blogging duties as of late. I apologize. Life has been hectic and school keeps me busy.

But to start off the new year, I thought I'd make a big change I've been wanting to do for awhile now. I have changed the name of this blog from "etsy balmer" to "soapy days". I feel it's more fitting for what I want to blog about. I will still review lip balms and other non-soap bath products. I just feel it's a bit more logical to blog about bath & body products under a title pertaining to soap than it is to lip balm. Basically, it's not as weird!

For this change, I have also changed the blog address to soapydays.blogspot.com. I hope this isn't TOO inconvenient for people. Also, I hope you all agree that this blog was in need of a title change and that the new one is more fitting!

Look forward to more soapy (and non-soapy) reviews soon! And hey, happy beginnings in this new year! :)

<3 Alyssa

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