
Little Update

Why hello there! I've been a bit busy around here and haven't been able to post any reviews lately. This is my first semester doing school full-time (in this graduate program anyway) and it's a lot of work, especially around "mid-terms" time. Although they don't really use that term in this program, the workload definitely increases. But anyway, enough school talk.

I am working on a few reviews! And I got my computer to accept my camera memory card so I've been able to take photos with my camera with plans of actually using them! Upcoming reviews include lip tints, hair/body mists, perfumes, and lotions. Maybe I'll make up a list of some of my favorite shops for holiday shopping as well! It is getting close to that time - have you started shopping yet? I have about half of my list done. Impressive for the last minute everything me! :)

Other stuff... I've been really into perfumes lately. I discovered Darling Clandestine and all of the fragrances sound so unique! Expect a review within the next few weeks! Also, anyone have any suggestions for perfumes/perfume shops?

And in other news, I ordered a tart warmer! I've been meaning to do this for a year or so. My sister-in-law is a Scentsy consultant (check out her shop here) and they were having a great sale earlier in the week. The one I ordered is a super cute turkey. I'd give a link but I don't see it on the site anymore. It's totally my style - a bit tacky, but awesomely so! I also ordered a few scents: Honey Pear Cider and Peppermint Dreams. I didn't get to smell any before I ordered but I FaceTimed with my SIL, having her smell things for me before I picked which ones I wanted. Ah, family. <3

Pretty excited about the tart warmer! Although I won't get to use it until I am back in Alaska (that's where I had it shipped). Anyone have any suggestions for places to order tarts? I know some of you are into tarts (looking at you Deb if you're reading this!). I want to find ones that aren't too strong. As much as I love fragrances, I am a bit sensitive so it'd be great to find a shop with mildly scented tarts with reasonable prices. After I find that, I might go crazy with it.

But anyway, there's my little update on product happenings around here. Excited for the holiday season and all the sales and all the new goodies! And to start with the Christmas music... maybe right now! :)

<3 Alyssa


  1. Me Deb??

    Try Sea Breeze Scents & Things. Love that vendor but have found the scents just too light for me. Otherwise, hmm, I'll have to do a bit more thinking on this.


    1. Yes, you Deb! :) I've been browsing through your blog posts about tarts these past few days and getting a few ideas! I will definitely check out Sea Breeze Scents & Things... like right now! Thanks!

    2. Oh cool! Did you order? I see is having a sale, or just had a sale....not sure if it's still going.


    3. I did place an order! And thanks for the heads up on the sale - it is still going on. I ordered a bunch of minty things. And tropical. Idk why, but I'm in a tropical mood lately! :)

  2. I just discovered your blog after searching for some Long Winter Farm lip balm reviews and I am seriously tempted to get some now! I also recently purchased for the first time from Darling Clandestine so I am curious to hear what you think of her perfumes! :)

    Maria from Blindly Beautiful

    1. Long Winter Farm lip balms are amazing! I'm tempted to get some more. I've been wanting to try the pumpkin cheesecake and birch beer flavors! I might have to add those to a possible LWF perfume oil purchase somewhere in the near future!

      What scents did you order from Darling Clandestine? I just placed an order for some more myself. And might do again next week since it looks like she's going to be having an early black friday sale from what I saw on her FB page!

    2. Ooh, nice! The Pumpkin Cheesecake sounds like it would be amazing!

      I ordered Don Gato, Love & Sharks, and Don Gato. I'm a fan of sweet/gourmand scents but I have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone with scents because I don't want to miss out on any spectacular scents. :)

    3. I know what you mean - I've always been a fan of the sweet/gourmand scents myself as well. But I'm with you and I've been having a lot of fun trying new scents. I've even started liking florals and I never thought that would happen! Are you going to review those DC perfumes on your blog? I wanted to order the Love & Sharks one but I think now I'll have to wait until it's restocked. I'm curious about ginger in a perfume. Haven't tried it yet!

  3. For perfume I like Arcana and FuturePrimitive but I wait for sales for both of them because they're $13 - $15 per bottle and I haven't gotten into the routine of wearing perfume regularly. Btw I have lots of perfume samples from various etailers, if you want any of them I posted a list here.

    explodingpastry dot livejournal dot com

    1. p.s. Not sure if you've tried Solstice Scents but they are pretty good, and I think you get 2 free samples if you're a new customer.

    2. Thanks Jean! I'll have to check all of these out! I've tried Solstice Scents once, but not the perfumes. I got one of the lotions. Wasn't a huge fan of the fragrance although it had a lot of great reviews. It was a vanilla and I guess I'm just picky about vanilla. I might have to take another gander though and check out their perfumes!
